Rockford Connector

Rockford General Store - cycling route

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Rockford Connector

Rockford, NC
12.5 miles


1,132 ft.
823 ft.
Rockford - Westward- Elevation
Rockford - Eastward - Elevation

Use this connector to discover the Historic Village of Rockford, located along the Yadkin River. Once the seat of government for Surry County, the county then encompassed modern day Forsyth, Stokes, and Yadkin counties. A number of historical buildings can be explored, such as the Rockford General Store, a canoe and kayak outfitter, a North Carolina Civil War Trail site, the Rockford Inn, Rockford Park, and the old Rockford Methodist Church.

Provisions & Restrooms

Rockford General Store

Points of Interest
Rockford Historic District

Rockford Historic District

Stop Along the Way
Rockford General Store
Provisions Lunch Dobson

Rockford General Store

Rayson Winery and Vineyard
Food & Drink Winery Dobson

Rayson Winery and Vineyard

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